Nonwoven Fabrics (Apparel Field)
Nonwoven Fabrics (Material Field)

The CRENETTE manufacturing technology came out from a technology-sharing agreement with French company Chavaneau. The horizontal (woof) and vertical (warp) strands in a net weave are joined where they cross by resin bonding. The result is a bonded reinforcement net that is winning plaudits from various different industries.

ƒProduction Process„
Anything between several dozen to over one thousand yarns are held under tension in the vertical axis. The woof threads are intertwined at high speed and a prescribed amount of resin coats the net. After the drying process the net is cut into a standard size and rolled up.
he TRG structure has the threads of woof placed with two threads of the superimposed warp. The TRT structure has the threads of the warp placed alternately on both sides of the woof.

ƒThread Density (Mesh)„
It is possible to fix the mesh setting to any point between 0.2 and 8 threads/cm

The materials that are suitable for use are polyester, glass, vinylon to name but a few. Where there is a specific use for the end product, the list of possible materials can be greatly expanded.

For more information regarding CRENETTE,
please visit the Kurabo Homepage

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